Detailed Contents

Will be updated during the semester. The slides used in the lecture will be placed here.

1. Introduction

Slides: Introduction (PDF)

1.1 Pattern Recognition

Slides: Pattern Recognition (PDF)

1.2 Central Concepts in Machine Learning

Slides: Central Concepts in Machine Learning (PDF)

1.3 Estimators

Slides: Estimators (PDF)

1.4 Decision Theory

Slides: Decision Theory (PDF)

2. Linear Models for Classification

Slides: Discriminant functions, Generative models, Logistic regression, ... (PDF)

3. Gradient Descent

Slides: Gradient Descent (PDF, update 13.11.2017)

4. Neural Networks

Slides: Neural Networks (PDF)

Slides: Symbolic Derivatives (PDF)

Slides: Basic Training Algorithms (PDF)

Slides: Validation and Regularization (PDF)

Slides: Convolutional networks (PDF)

5. Recurrent Neural Networks

Slides: Recurrent Neural Networks (PDF)

6. Boltzmann Machines

Slides: Boltzmann Machines, Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Wake-Sleep, Contrastive Divergence (PDF)